
By seeta.bhardwa@…, 12 August, 2019

If you're starting university this year, you will soon be settling into a new environment, living away from home and having to look after yourself. You will leave behind the lifestyle you have been familiar with since you started secondary education or high school. Things are about to become markedly different, and not having to wear a uniform is not the only thing that will change once you start your journey to university. 

So much choice

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 5 August, 2019

I chose to move to London to study a master’s degree, without knowing another soul in the city, and have been here for more than a year. 

A few summers ago, I decided that I needed to experience cultures other than my own and explore a new place. Although I lacked experience, I knew I could enhance my perspective by moving abroad. 

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 29 July, 2019

You could be mistaken for thinking that moving to Berlin would not be a radically new cultural experience from the UK. Like any other large, Western capital city, the English language is frustratingly prominent. And there is still an abundance of hipster-run coffee shops furnished with the same mismatched furniture. It’s basically the same place as the UK, just without those wholly unnecessary pleasantries we English preside over.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 26 July, 2019

When asked what you would do if you had a free day with no commitments or long to-do lists, for many the likely answer would be sitting outside and reading. 

There is something appealing about spending a few hours in the sunshine immersing yourself in a good book, whether it is a piece of fiction, an autobiography or a collection of essays. 

If you’re looking for something new to read this summer, take a look at the recommendations from university students below. 

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 20 July, 2019

You’ve finally made it. You’ve handed in your final assignment, taken that last exam and now all that stretches in front of you is three glorious months of summer break. 

But as a student, there can often be pressure to make the most of your summer break and go travelling, do an internship and get a head start on next year’s reading list, while still finding the time to relax ahead of the new academic year. 

Just remember that the summer is yours to shape any way that you want, but if you’re unsure how you want your summer to go, here are some ideas from students.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 17 July, 2019

Some universities around the world have such a good reputation that by merely mentioning their name, people are aware of how good they are. Think Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge or Yale. 

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 15 July, 2019

My journey to doctoral studies in Switzerland began a little over a year before I actually started on 16 September 2013. I was (and still am) a research scientist working at the Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute in Accra, Ghana.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 9 July, 2019

We met during our master’s degree programme in sustainability and social innovation at HEC Paris, one of Europe’s leading business schools. We connected over our common desire to create employment opportunities for young people in Africa and to find solutions for sustainable food production and waste management.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 3 July, 2019

Undergraduates looking to use their long summer break to enhance their skills, experience and employment prospects face the tough task of finding a suitable placement.

The Laidlaw Scholarship Programme offers an exciting opportunity to students with an interest in research and a desire to develop their leadership skills.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 2 July, 2019

I am a final year student at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore pursuing my MBA. Two days at business school are hardly ever the same, but I am always trying to create some semblance of a routine. However, as I have discovered over the past year, this tussle makes life here much more exciting.