
By seeta.bhardwa@…, 19 September, 2017

About halfway through my first year as an undergraduate reading English literature, I decided I wanted to become an academic and teach at university. That meant I had to get a master’s and then a PhD.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 19 September, 2017

I recently graduated with a master’s degree from Harvard University. Throughout the entire week, countless speakers and dignitaries – including Mark Zuckerberg and John Kerry – told us that I (and my classmates) would be the future leaders of the world.

But just seven years ago, it did not seem likely that I could pursue a college degree, let alone a graduate degree at Harvard. Growing up, I had always scoffed at academics and their “expert advice” because they often seemed so divorced from my reality.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 11 September, 2017

Before deciding to apply to universities in the United States, the idea of a women’s college was foreign to me. I was unaware of how many there were and was puzzled as to why anyone would want to attend an institution that only admitted women. I was naïve to the concept, having only ever attended co-ed schools my entire life. I didn't think that I would fit in at an all girls’ school.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 8 September, 2017

As a PhD researcher at the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute in Glasgow, I spend my time looking at pancreatic cancer cells and how they use energy differently from normal cells. Finding this out could help us specifically target pancreatic cancer cells, leaving healthy cells unharmed.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 4 September, 2017

I arrived in Harvard Square, my red hair frizzy from the flight, face flushed from the heat and in a state of panic. In that moment, I questioned why I had decided to put myself through the ordeal of moving to a foreign nation. Then I turned around and two friendly Boston residents offered to carry my bags. I was reminded that I was not alone and that in Cambridge, help was quite literally on every corner. 

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 21 August, 2017

When I was in Year 10, everyone who had achieved above average exam results was asked to complete a questionnaire. We were not told what the purpose of this questionnaire was, nor what the outcome would be. After the routine requests for name and date of birth, we were asked: “Has anyone in your family ever attended university?”