By seeta.bhardwa@…, 5 February, 2025

The Australia Awards Scholarships are now open for applications from international students until 30 April 2025. 

The scholarships provide funding for students from countries in Africa and the Indo-Pacific region to study at participating universities and technical and further education institutions in Australia. Eligible countries include Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Nigeria, Malaysia, Pakistan and many others.

By Benjamin.Stevenin, 3 February, 2025

Those are the questions that keep business school administrators up at night. Some solutions they’ve devised are bound to spur their peers to action. At IMD Business School, the program has overhauled its curriculum to teach the skills that AI can never replace. Vanderbilt University’s Owen Graduate School is expected to sock $700 million into a Florida campus to educate the most underserved graduate business education market in the United States.

By Sreethu.Sajeev, 27 January, 2025

Sponsored content: created in partnership with H-FARM College.

Located on the outskirts of Venice in Italy, H-FARM College ensures that its graduates are ready for a fast-paced, globalised world. The institution offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in business management, digital transformation, innovation and technology, with a strong focus on industry demands.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 15 January, 2025

After finishing my undergraduate degree, I decided to work instead of enrolling in a postgraduate degree right away. 

I did so because I wanted to break free from the monotonous routine that I had been stuck in for my academic life. 

I wanted to move away from the cycle of stressing over passing exams for a while. Also, I was eager to see what professional life was like. 

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 9 January, 2025


Leaving my homeland and family to study in a different social and cultural landscape was overwhelming. So, I kept putting off starting my applications, as there was always some uncertainty. Finally, as the intake deadline for my shortlisted universities inched closer, I had to rush to prepare all the required documents.

Lesson learned: Procrastinating doesn’t help. If you can manage the final aspects of studying abroad and have the required qualifications, just go for it. 

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 6 January, 2025

Whether you are settling back into a routine, returning to exams, or starting your studies in January, planning ahead can ease the transition. Here are some practical tips to help prepare for a smooth return to university. 

Rebuild focus and motivation 

After the festivities of the winter break, shifting back into academic life can sometimes feel difficult. To make this transition easier: