Master of International Business

The master of international business at the University of South Carolina is designed for explorers, visionaries and future business leaders.

Student testimonials
Carlos Cueto
Carlos Cueto
Carlos Cueto (’18 MIB) learned the importance of building an international network while completing the MIB program. Learning alongside a small group of fellow MIB students and utilizing the services offered by the Moore School Office of Career Management helped him land a position. A senior marketing analyst in customer technology marketing for UPS upon graduation.

“I chose MIB because the curriculum interconnected a strong foundation of economics, politics and culture that would develop the skillset I needed to lead across borders. It’s incredibly valuable to have a transnational mindset and not be limited by barriers that might limit other business leaders. As my career progresses, I hope to serve as a mentor for the younger generation of UPS. I encourage them, and everyone in the MIB program, to leverage every chance they get to network, as it’s fundamental to success.”
Paid course type

Recognising the dynamic nature of global business, the Master of International Business empowers students to think differently, act thoughtfully and navigate a modern business landscape, and go on to succeed in diverse professional environments around the world.

Course details

The MIB curriculum consists of 30 credit hours, or 10 academic courses, combined with a business methods boot camp and a professional development workshop series. Students can choose from two program options: the one-year MIB or the double-degree program.


Entry requirements

An undergraduate degree or minor in business preferred, along with a competitive GMAT or GRE score, though some exceptions apply. International students will need to provide scores from an IELTS of TOEFL English language test. 

Career outcomes

MIB graduates have become international product development associates, global business risk analysts, international transfer pricing consultants, global trade analysts and strategy consultants. Employers include Bank of America, EMC, Liberty Mutual, Dell and many more top companies. 


Duration period
Study mode
Study level
Institution Name
University of South Carolina
THE Country
Institution Address
Darla Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina
1014 Greene Street
Columbia, SC 29208
Institution Phone Number
+1 803-777-5229
Institution Email
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