Best universities in the US for physical science degrees

By Joy.Hunter@tim…, 31 October, 2023

Top 10 universities in the US for physical science degrees 2024

Scroll down for the full list of best universities in the US for physical science degrees

US physical science rank 2024Physical science rank 2024 UniversityState
11 California Institute of TechnologyCalifornia
22 Harvard UniversityMassachusetts
33 Stanford UniversityCalifornia
44 Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMassachusetts
=5=6 University of California, BerkeleyCalifornia
=5=6 Princeton UniversityNew Jersey
710 Yale UniversityConnecticut
8=12 Columbia UniversityNew York
916 The University of ChicagoIllinois
1017 University of California, Los AngelesCalifornia

View the Times Higher Education's World University Rankings for Physical Sciences 2025 here.

The physical sciences include mathematics, statistics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, environmental sciences and Earth and marine sciences. Courses in the physical sciences differ across universities and countries, but the core focus is on the understanding and application of mathematics in the natural world through practical and lab work.

In the US, studying physical sciences at the undergraduate level usually takes the form of a four-year course, beginning with a foundation in calculus, physics and chemistry. After the first year, students can choose more specialised areas of study, and through the country’s major-minor system a number of scientific disciplines can often be explored simultaneously. Students are also encouraged to engage in research projects throughout their studies.

Postgraduate courses are focused on more specific subject areas, where students undertake research in their chosen area of interest or join a research group within their institution. 

These are the best universities in the US for physical science degrees 2024. 

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=5. Princeton University

Princeton University offers a range of natural sciences programmes that include mathematics, astrophysics, chemistry, geosciences, physics, and sustainable energy.

Princeton’s astrophysical sciences department offers a range of courses including general relativity and cosmology, while the maths department’s offerings include combinatorial optimisation and dynamic meteorology. 

In the department of chemistry, undergraduates are taught in small classes and progress to an independent senior thesis project. 

Graduate studies in mathematics focus on independent research from the beginning of the programme, unlike many other doctoral courses in the US. 

=5. University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley was founded in 1868.

Undergraduate physical sciences courses include applied mathematics, astrophysics, Earth science, geology, geophysics, mathematics, physical science, physics and statistics. 

Earth and planetary science students can choose from six majors and eight minors covering a range of topics, including marine science, geology and atmospheric science. 

The mathematics department is home to one of the largest mathematics libraries in the US. Maths-related organisations that students can get involved in include the mathematics undergraduate student association and the women in math group.

The astronomy department is known for its research on the discovery and computation of comets, orbits and minor planets. Undergraduates can take a variety of courses, from modern cosmology to radio astronomy, and develop skills in Python coding. The department also offers research funding, meaning many astrophysics majors have had work published in scientific journals before graduating.

Physical sciences students also participate in a range of extracurricular academic, sporting, theatrical and philanthropic groups, including the space exploration society and the women in the physical sciences group. 

Students are encouraged to take part in research projects during their course.

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The physics undergraduate programme at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers two tracks: Flexible and Focus. 

Postgraduate students in physics take a range of core classes such as classical mechanics and quantum mechanics. 

The Flexible track is selected by most physics majors and allows students to choose from a range of fundamental physics topics. The Focus track requires students to take more specific required courses, including two terms of experimental physics, and to write a research thesis.

There are three different undergraduate programmes in maths: applied mathematics, pure mathematics and general mathematics. There are also two postgraduate programmes in pure mathematics and applied mathematics. 

The university lays claim to 85 Nobel Laureates, 58 National Medal of Science winners, 29 National Medal of Technology and Innovation winners and 45 MacArthur Fellows. Among its impressive alumni is Kofi Annan, former secretary-general of the United Nations.

What can you do with a chemistry degree?
What can you do with a geology degree?
What can you do with a mathematics degree?
What can you do with an astronomy degree?
What can you do with a physics degree?

3. Stanford University

At Stanford University half of all undergraduates take at least one physics course as part of their studies. 

Undergraduates can also major or minor in physics, choosing to specialise further. 

Elective modules across the physical science fields allow for specialisation later down the line and cover everything from aeronautics, astronautics and astronomy to chemical engineering, geological sciences, mathematical and computational science and statistics.

There is a specific chemical physics track for students with a strong aptitude for physics and maths. Students can major or minor in maths, and they have the opportunity to participate in an annual maths contest with cash prizes for excellent scores and for outstanding performances by women.

An undergraduate research programme over the summer gives students the opportunity to join a physics research group to gain research experience.

There are many streams for graduates studying physical sciences, from applied physics to biophysical chemistry. 

2. Harvard University

Undergraduate students at Harvard University can choose from a range of physical science concentrations including astrophysics, chemistry, physics, Earth and planetary sciences and statistics. 

Students can study either with interdisciplinary courses in the physical sciences sequence or with foundational courses in one of the relevant departments. As students continue their degrees, the course can become more focused based on areas of interest. 

The Harvard­-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is one of the best in the world for research in astrophysics, with over 350 scientists and astronomical observatories in Arizona, Chile, Hawaii, and in space. Undergraduate students are able to join the centre to take part in term-time or summer research. 

The mathematics department hosts a range of events for students including math table talks and colloquiums. 

1. California Institute of Technology

The California Institute of Technology, also known as Caltech, is a science and engineering institute founded in 1891.

Caltech’s Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in a range of subjects across the physical sciences. 

The physics undergraduate courses offered at Caltech include classical mechanics and electromagnetism, the science of music and frontiers in physics. All undergraduates must complete three terms of introductory physics. Students are encouraged to get involved in research, for which they can receive academic credit.

The four-year mathematics undergraduate programme at Caltech provides a foundation in calculus, combinatorics, geometry and analysis in the first year. There are then a range of elective mathematics modules, from abstract algebra and classical analysis to homological algebra and Riemannian geometry. Seniors are encouraged to do a bachelor’s thesis in an advanced topic.

The university manages the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for Nasa as well as operating the Seismological Laboratory. 

The astronomy department has four observatories available for students to use: Ovro, Palomar, W.M. Keck, and Ligo.

Best universities for physical sciences degrees in the United States 2024

Click each institution to view its full World University Rankings 2024 profile

US physical science rank 2024Physical science rank 2024 UniversityState
11 California Institute of TechnologyCalifornia
22 Harvard UniversityMassachusetts
33 Stanford UniversityCalifornia
44 Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMassachusetts
=5=6 University of California, BerkeleyCalifornia
=5=6 Princeton UniversityNew Jersey
710 Yale UniversityConnecticut
8=12 Columbia UniversityNew York
916 The University of ChicagoIllinois
1017 University of California, Los AngelesCalifornia
1118 Cornell UniversityNew York
1221 University of WashingtonWashington
1323 University of Michigan-Ann ArborMichigan
1428 University of PennsylvaniaPennsylvania
1531 Johns Hopkins UniversityMaryland
1634 Northwestern UniversityIllinois
1737 University of California, Santa BarbaraCalifornia
1838 University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignIllinois
1939 University of California, San DiegoCalifornia
2043 University of Texas at AustinTexas
2145 Georgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia
2246 New York UniversityNew York
2348 Duke UniversityNorth Carolina
2450 University of Wisconsin-MadisonWisconsin
2553 University of Colorado BoulderColorado
=26=56 Brown UniversityRhode Island
=26=56 Carnegie Mellon UniversityPennsylvania
2864 Penn State (Main campus)Pennsylvania
=29=65 University of ArizonaArizona
=29=65 University of Maryland, College ParkMaryland
3170 Rice UniversityTexas
3271 University of California, IrvineCalifornia
3379 University of MinnesotaMinnesota
34=82 Texas A&M UniversityTexas
3585 University of California, DavisCalifornia
3695 University of MassachusettsMassachusetts
=37=99 Michigan State UniversityMichigan
=37=99 Ohio State University (Main campus)Ohio
=39101–125 Boston UniversityMassachusetts
=39101–125 University of California, Santa CruzCalifornia
=39101–125 Purdue University West LafayetteIndiana
=39101–125 Stony Brook UniversityNew York
=43126–150 Arizona State University (Tempe)Arizona
=43126–150 University of Hawai’i at MānoaHawai'i
=43126–150 University of North Carolina at Chapel HillNorth Carolina
=43126–150 University of Southern CaliforniaCalifornia
=47151–175 University of California, RiversideCalifornia
=47151–175 University of FloridaFlorida
=47151–175 University of RochesterNew York
=47151–175 Washington University in St LouisMissouri
=51176–200 Colorado State University, Fort CollinsColorado
=51176–200 North Carolina State UniversityNorth Carolina
=51176–200 University of Notre DameIndiana
=51176–200 The University of Tennessee-KnoxvilleTennessee
=55201–250 Brandeis UniversityMassachusetts
=55201–250 Dartmouth CollegeNew Hampshire
=55201–250 Florida State UniversityFlorida
=55201–250 Indiana UniversityIndiana
=55201–250 University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campusPennsylvania
=55201–250 Rutgers University – New BrunswickNew Jersey
=55201–250 Tufts UniversityMassachusetts
=55201–250 Vanderbilt UniversityTennessee
=55201–250 University of Virginia (Main campus)Virginia
=55201–250 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityVirginia
=65251–300 University of Alaska FairbanksAlaska
=65251–300 Case Western Reserve UniversityOhio
=65251–300 University of DelawareDelaware
=65251–300 Drexel UniversityPennsylvania
=65251–300 Emory UniversityGeorgia
=65251–300 University of Illinois ChicagoIllinois
=65251–300 University of IowaIowa
=65251–300 University of Nebraska-LincolnNebraska
=65251–300 Northeastern University, USIllinois
=65251–300 University of South FloridaFlorida
=65251–300 Syracuse UniversityNew York
=65251–300 University of UtahUtah
=65251–300 Washington State UniversityWashington
=78301–400 Boston CollegeMassachusetts
=78301–400 University at BuffaloNew York
=78301–400 University of Central FloridaFlorida
=78301–400 University of ConnecticutConnecticut
=78301–400 George Washington UniversityWashington DC
=78301–400 University of HoustonTexas
=78301–400 Iowa State UniversityIowa
=78301–400 Kansas State UniversityKansas
=78301–400 University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyMaryland
=78301–400 University of MiamiFlorida
=78301–400 Missouri University of Science and TechnologyMissouri
=78301–400 Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteNew York
=78301–400 University of South Carolina-ColumbiaSouth Carolina
=78301–400 Temple UniversityPennsylvania
=78301–400 University of Texas at ArlingtonTexas
=78301–400 University of Texas at DallasTexas
=94401–500 Auburn UniversityAlabama
=94401–500 University of California, MercedCalifornia
=94401–500 The Catholic University of AmericaWashington DC
=94401–500 Florida International UniversityFlorida
=94401–500 University of KansasKansas
=94401–500 University of KentuckyKentucky
=94401–500 Louisiana State UniversityLouisiana
=94401–500 Mizzou - University of MissouriMissouri
=94401–500 Northern Illinois UniversityIllinois
=94401–500 Oklahoma State UniversityOklahoma
=94401–500 University of OregonOregon
=94401–500 Texas Tech UniversityTexas
=94401–500 Wayne State UniversityMichigan
=94401–500 William & MaryVirginia
=94401–500 University of WyomingWyoming
=109501–600 University of AlabamaAlabama
=109501–600 Clark UniversityMassachusetts
=109501–600 Clarkson UniversityNew York
=109501–600 Florida Atlantic UniversityFlorida
=109501–600 Florida Institute of TechnologyFlorida
=109501–600 George Mason UniversityVirginia
=109501–600 University of GeorgiaGeorgia
=109501–600 Lehigh UniversityPennsylvania
=109501–600 Mississippi State UniversityMississippi
=109501–600 New Jersey Institute of TechnologyNew Jersey
=109501–600 New Mexico State University (Main campus)New Mexico
=109501–600 Ohio University (Main campus)Ohio
=109501–600 Old Dominion UniversityVirginia
=109501–600 Rochester Institute of TechnologyNew York
=109501–600 Stevens Institute of TechnologyNew Jersey
=109501–600 The University of Texas at San AntonioTexas
=109501–600 University of ToledoOhio
=109501–600 The University of TulsaOklahoma
=109501–600 Worcester Polytechnic InstituteMassachusetts
=128601–800 American UniversityWashington DC
=128601–800 University of ArkansasArkansas
=128601–800 Baylor UniversityTexas
=128601–800 University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical CampusColorado
=128601–800 University of DenverColorado
=128601–800 Florida Agricultural and Mechanical UniversityFlorida
=128601–800 Georgia State UniversityGeorgia
=128601–800 Illinois Institute of TechnologyIllinois
=128601–800 Marquette UniversityWisconsin
=128601–800 Montana State UniversityMontana
=128601–800 University of Nevada, Las VegasNevada
=128601–800 University of Rhode IslandRhode Island
=128601–800 San Diego State UniversityCalifornia
=128601–800 University of South DakotaSouth Dakota
=128601–800 SUNY Binghamton UniversityNew York
=128601–800 Tulane UniversityLouisiana
=128601–800 Virginia Commonwealth UniversityVirginia
=128601–800 Wake Forest UniversityNorth Carolina
=128601–800 Western Michigan UniversityMichigan
=147801–1000 Central Michigan UniversityMichigan
=147801–1000 Chapman UniversityCalifornia
=147801–1000 Georgetown UniversityWashington DC
=147801–1000 Howard UniversityWashington DC
=147801–1000 University of MemphisTennessee
=147801–1000 University of North Carolina at CharlotteNorth Carolina
=147801–1000 Oakland UniversityMichigan
=147801–1000 Portland State UniversityOhio
=147801–1000 Rowan UniversityNew Jersey
=147801–1000 Saint Louis UniversityMissouri
=147801–1000 University of Texas at El PasoTexas
=147801–1000 University of Texas Rio Grande ValleyTexas
=147801–1000 Texas State UniversityTexas
=1601001+ Bowling Green State UniversityOhio
=1601001+ College of CharlestonSouth Carolina
=1601001+ Georgia Southern UniversityGeorgia
=1601001+ Morgan State UniversityMaryland

Explore the best universities for physical science degrees in the US, using data from the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024

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