
By Joy.Hunter@tim…, 13 April, 2021

As the American writer Shelby Foote once said: “A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library.”

Though so much information for most people’s studies is now online, you can’t beat the feeling of sanctuary and calm you get from a good library. Whether you use them for research, reading or just to escape the world for a few hours, libraries are an essential part of the university experience.

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 16 September, 2019

Studying abroad is one of the biggest things you can do as a student. But even though it can be a hugely positive experience, surviving your first year abroad isn’t the easiest thing to do. There may be language barriers, money issues, and differences in teaching styles that might make it harder to settle in. To help you through this difficult period, I have prepared a list of nine tips for surviving your year abroad.

1. Don’t miss a chance to make new friends