Translating student ideas into sustainable business strategies

By ashton.wenborn, 18 December, 2023

Sponsored content: created in partnership with Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology.

Employing unique teaching methods and mentoring initiatives prepares students for dynamic careers in rapidly evolving professions such as business. LUT Business School at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT University) in Finland is supporting students in driving a sustainable business revolution by integrating curiosity and sustainability into its business studies courses and offering an academic environment that nurtures growth.

“The curriculum at LUT Business School encourages students to integrate curiosity and sustainability into their business studies courses,” says Peter Amicucci, a master’s student in supply management at LUT Business School. The institution places equal emphasis on academic content and research, explains Amicucci. “The topics included in the academic modules are not rigidly defined so students have the freedom to explore topics outside the core material. This naturally fosters curiosity among students.”

Sustainability also plays a key role in the curriculum at LUT Business School and often forms a natural fit with the coursework undertaken at the school. “The business school is keen to equip its students for a successful, sustained career in the evolving world of business,” says Amicucci. “This is evident in the number of academic projects involving industry partners. This is hugely valuable for students’ employment prospects at these companies in the future.”

LUT University hosts a recruitment fair on its Lappeenranta campus called DuuniDay. This allows employers to engage with the university’s talent pool and students to network with around 100 companies.

“In addition to networking events like DuuniDays and the campus business guild, the business school offers resources to support student journeys and professional ambitions,” says Amicucci. “For example, there are opportunities for students to work for their professors as research assistants, which will potentially lead to their names being included in research publications. LUT University has an active career centre, referred to as the Career Corner, where students can schedule appointments to talk about their goals and career paths.”  Applications for master’s programmes at LUT Business School for the 2025 academic year will be accepted until 17 January 2024.

In 2023, LUT University launched a mentorship programme to provide students with more opportunities to interact with alumni and business leaders, which is another example of how LUT combines academic curiosity with professional support. “I worked on a project with a company that became so interested in my work that they subsequently spoke to me about integrating some of the sustainable initiatives I had written about,” explains Amicucci.

Such networking opportunities, both within Finland and abroad, are easily accessible at the business school, says Amicucci. “Some of the initiatives at the school have led to physical end products for businesses working with LUT students,” he adds. “Additionally, LUT Business School offers feedback and support so that student projects, whether they focus on corporate sustainability or any other aspect of business, are always closely aligned with the professional world.”

Find out more about LUT University.


LUT Business School supports students in turning innovative ideas into sustainable business solutions

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