#ClimateStrike: students from around the world take action against climate change

By seeta.bhardwa@…, 20 September, 2019

September 20th 2019 will surely be remembered as the day when the world united in one of the largest global climate protests. Thousands of people across Australasia, Asia, Europe, Africa and North America stood together in the fight against climate change. And school and university students were at the core of this protest.

Inspired by the teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg, students and academic staff staged protests outside their university buildings against the ever growing issue of climate change.

And on the whole, universities were supportive of the actions, allowing students time off their lectures and organising one-minute silences, speeches and rallies to add to the cause. 

For the entire day, #ClimateStrike and #ClimateAction were trending on Twitter as many students and universities shared what their institutions were doing to mark the day and highlighted their commitment to becoming more sustainable.  

Read more: Top universities for tackling climate action


University students from over 150 countries have united to urge governments to take climate change seriously

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