Mathematics and Statistics

Subject code

An MSc Actuarial Science qualification will provide students with the knowledge and skillset to investigate financial accounts, analyse risks, and design actuarial models for a wide range of fields. This programme covers a series of core modules from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) and Society of Actuaries (SOA).

The BSc Actuarial Science will pave you a way to an actuary, whose daily routine includes: investigating financial accounts, analysing risks, designing actuarial models, and cooperating with other professions. This programme covers a series of modules of Core Principles from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) UK, and has acquired several exemptions from various international actuarial societies, e.g, SoA, IFoA (CS1, CM1 & CM2).

The MSc Financial Mathematics programme provides you with the advanced analytical training, quantitative knowledge and practical skill sets required to operate as a professional in modern financial institutions.

Our experienced and passionate lecturers will guide you through a mix of classical and modern big data processing techniques, analysis, hypothesizing and visualization skills as well as looking at cutting-edge applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain. Each semester is carefully designed to support you through the fundamentals in statistics, calculus, computer science, ethical, and legal considerations within data science and business management, including administration, project management and critical thinking.

Thanks to complex knowledge of geology, technics and technology exploitation and storage of hydrocarbons, students will be able to solve operational problems of oil engineering.

Applicants will be admitted to the study program in full-time study at the master's follow-up study. There is no exam in the admission procedure. Graduates of bachelor study programs of similar specialization may be admitted to study. Assessing the content of previous courses and comparing them with the required basics is done by the program guarantor on the basis of a comparison of curriculum subjects and teaching ranges. The results of previous studies will be taken into account. The final decision will be made by the Dean. 
