
By grace.mccabe, 4 April, 2023

My name is Anneshwa Dey and I am from a small town in India called Ranchi. I grew up in a joint family in which my uncle and father own a telecommunications business together.   

That is where I was first introduced to electronics and circuit boards. I vaguely remember that we used to assemble the LED moving light in our home, and I was always fascinated by the magic of the small integrated chip that goes into the boards.   

By ashton.wenborn, 31 March, 2023

Sponsored content: created in partnership with KU Leuven.

Studying abroad can open up a wealth of opportunities and new experiences, but making the jump can be daunting. And for prospective students planning their futures, employability after graduating is increasingly a priority – especially at a time when global economies can feel unstable.

By grace.mccabe, 28 March, 2023

Imagine walking along the canals in the Netherlands, the water shimmering in the sunlight and purple and yellow flowers blooming around you. There’s a windmill in the distance and the smell of something sweet in the air. You almost forget that you’ve slept for only three hours on the plane, that you have two suitcases bumping along behind you and that, with your spotty signal, you’re pretty sure Google Maps has lost you.

By grace.mccabe, 24 March, 2023

I grew up in Bogor, a small city about two hours drive from the capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. I then lived in Jakarta for several years to study and work. After finishing my master’s degree, I worked in the World Bank office in Jakarta. From then, I knew my passion was to work for international development organisations.

By grace.mccabe, 20 March, 2023

Choosing to study international business administration (IBA) at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University in the Netherlands was one of the best decisions I ever made. 

The Netherlands is a friendly country that is tailored to international students, so don’t be afraid to start your international adventure here. You don’t even need to speak Dutch because many of the degrees are in English, and that is a big advantage.  

By grace.mccabe, 17 March, 2023

I am writing this blog on 23 January 2023, which marks 12 months since I boarded my flight to Madrid to begin my year studying abroad. I was doing a year overseas with my home university, the University of Texas at Austin. I remember my energy and eagerness. It feels surreal thinking back to how 2022 started when now feels like the typical start to another year.  

By grace.mccabe, 8 March, 2023

I arrived in France in September 2021 full of dreams, fears and a swirl of emotions that I still can’t describe clearly.

I am from Colombia and grew up in a number of different cities around the country. I completed my undergraduate degree in civil engineering at EAFIT University in Medellín in 2021. During my degree, I discovered a passion for research, knowledge and a specific engineering field: computational mechanics.